The Grace Movement

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His Fruit is Sweet to my Taste!

"His Fruit is Sweet to my Taste!"

"Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste." (SOS 2: 3)

The young man adores her as the lily among thorns. (Vs. 2)

The young woman sees him as an apple tree among wild trees in the forest. (Vs. 3)

They both see each other as the most exclusive among God's creation. Nothing and no one compares to their partner.

One person is not just attracted to the other, they share an attraction for each other. They share a fondness, and admiration for each other. They share a friendship and a likeness for each other.

Friendship is the heartbeat of every true relationship. Friendship is the seed of the relationship. It is that entity that must be watered and nurtured for the relationship to bear good fruits. The moment the friendship is depleted the relationship looses its zest and charm.

Friendship or connection is the currency of the relationship; the more you have it, the richer relationship. The less you have it, the poorer and less exciting the relationship.

A great friendship is by far the singularly most important ingredient of any relationship.

For married couples, the challenge is to make your spouse a friend again. For those dating or considering marriage, the primary question for you is this, is the person you are seeing a friend?

Don't marry because they are good-looking, have a decent job, make some money, go to church, or pray a lot, etc... none of that rises to the level of friendship.

A great husband doesn't necessarily make a great friend. But a great friend will always make a great husband!

Today make your spouse or future spouse your friend again!

Yes, that person you can't have enough of. The woman who makes you quicken your steps out of the office. The one who warms your heart. The person you can't wait to hug and kiss everyday!

The man you can share anything and everything with, the one who makes you happy, and free!

This is not a fantasy, or wishful thinking. This is the very will of God for you!

The woman in the scripture delights to sit under the shade of the young man. She finds his presence pleasurable! His fruit of friendship and kindness is sweet to her taste!

The connection may be natural and spontaneous at the initial stages of the relationship, but with time is dwindles down. Like anything of value, it has to be maintained with intentionality.

Husbands be intentional in your friendship with your wives. Having a wife only requires a certificate and a ceremony. But being a friend requires intentionality and hard work.

Being intentional is to say I am responsible for how you experience me. The young woman confessed “his fruit is sweet to my taste.” Let your wife admit that the fruit of your love is sweet to her taste! Create an atmosphere of love that makes your spouse intoxicated and addicted to your love.

Today, unearth the friendship and connection that once existed between you and your spouse, clean it up, and start polishing it again. Don't let time and circumstances dry out your friendship. Manually restore that fondness and admiration again!

Let your spouse confess that your fruit of friendship and affection is sweet to them!

God richly bless you!

Samuel Antwi-Boasiako, MD
Elevated Marriages 2.0
The Grace Movement