How we say Thank You!

"One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising the Lord in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him" Luke 17:15-16

Thanksgiving starts by seeing what the Lord has done! The one leper, when "he saw he was healed."

When he understood that the healing was a gift from God, he walked all the way back to Jesus, threw himself at His feet and Thanked Him!


This morning, if only we will see the goodness of God, we will extract ourselves from the busy'ness of the day, throw ourselves at His feet and Thank Him.

Truly, if we attribute our lives to God, if we credit the air we breath, the peace we have, the joy we experience from our loved ones to God, we will make time to be at the feet of Jesus.

There is nothing wrong with thanking God while driving, cooking or shopping. We can thank God everywhere anytime. But that should not be our primary mode of expressing Gratitude. Our lives are busy and at times chaotic, but that cannot deprive us of a rich quality time with God alone!

We shouldn’t fit God into our lives, rather we should fit our lives into Him!

In essence, thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to be in the presence of God alone. Thanksgiving provides us with a one-to-one audience with the Maker of the universe!

As God's children, we should spend at least 5 minutes on our knees, or on the just thanking and Praising God!

Going on our kness or laying on the floor as this leper did is a powerful illustration of humility!

Saying thank you is great! But even greater is how you say the thank you. In fact, how you say thank you is a deeper reflection of our gratitude than the words themselves!

Today, if you have an opportunity to be thankful, do it with all your heart. Do it at the feet of Jesus. Do it on your knees, on the floor, with humility and a true understanding of what God has done in your life!


God richly bless you!

Samuel Antwi-Boasiako, MD
21 Days of Thanksgiving! Day 3
The Grace Movement!


“Thank You!” “For What?”


"The Two Words that will always melt God's heart."