Dangers of Yelling at Your Children

It is never ok to yell or scream at children.

There is never a justification for yelling.

Angrily raising our voice at children, dishonors them, it dehumanizes them.

Gradually, yelling chips away at the child's self-worth, and self-confidence.

Retrospectively, yelling eats into the trust between the parent and the child!

No wonder studies have shown yelling has the same psychosocial effects on children as physical harm.

Actually, yelling is potentially worst, because it causes unquantifiable emotional, and psychological damage to the children.

Raising children in a home where adults scream and bark, makes the children live in constant fear and insecurity.

Children who are yelled at are controlled by an external locus or force. Once that force is removed, ie. They go to school or church they are set free to misbehave which calls for more yelling, followed by more misconduct; and a vicious cycle is set in place.

Yes, children know how to make parents feel helpless, with their backs against the wall.

As a father of four, I know this too well.

Mindlessly, we bark, we roar, threaten, and accuse the people we love the most!

When we yell at our children, we have lost control, we have exposed an internal weakness that needs to be fixed.

Yelling fixes the situation in the short term, but damages the child in the long term!

Yelling has no place in a grace-filled environment.

A parent recently said, "the Holy Spirit does not yell at me, and He is my example in parenting, so I cannot yell at my children!" Amazing!

Unfortunately, we yell because yelling is part of a stack of disciplinary measures we posses. "What else can a parent do besides a little yelling?" We ask ourselves so helplessly. But yes, there are other options.

We believe if we don't yell, the children will not listen to us, they will not respect us, they will not take us seriously.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Tonight, on The Grace Movement, the parenting series take a turn at communication with children. We will dissect yelling, threats and accusations. We will then consider richer, and gracious means of communicating with children, that builds them up and enhances a connection with them.

Please join us tonight (10/1/21) at 7pm ET for an eye-opening service!

God richly bless you!

Samuel Antwi-Boasiako, MD
Grace-filled Parenting
The Grace Movement!


I Understand You


Andy, you are going to be a great person in future!